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I write science fiction and horror because I absolutely love asking, "what if..." (and killing people off). I have over forty titles in print, including 100 Days in Deadland, which was named on the Best Books of the Year list by Suspense Magazine; Stealing Fate, the USA Today recommended read; along with the Amazon bestselling Redline Corps, Waymaker Wars, Flight of the Javelin, Bounty Hunter, and Fringe series; and the Space Troopers series co-written with Jamie McFarlane. Want the scoop on me? I was raised on a farm in Iowa where I boasted the small town’s largest (and only) comic book collection, and I'm still addicted to stories where bad ass heroes face impossible odds. I did the college thing--both undergraduate (University of Northern Iowa) and graduate (Drake University)--before going out into the "real" world and realizing that jobs are too much work and too little play. Alas, bills (and college loans) needed paid, so I made a career out of helping companies navigate change in IT, which essentially means I was a professional problem-solver. In that role, I've held various job titles, including VP of Technology, Director of IT Strategy, and simply, Change Agent. I also taught at Upper Iowa University for over a decade, warping the minds of tomorrow's workforce. I now write full-time and couldn't imagine doing anything else. Since you've stayed with me this far, let me tell you some personal stuff... things that I love. I love flying airplanes (especially the old stuff) with my very spoiled, fifty-pound lap dog over the Midwest countryside. Sunrise flights are my favorite. At that time, there is a calm over the world as the world is just stretching after a night's rest. After that, there's nothing like taking a long hike in woods. I'm lucky that there's a state park practically in my backyard, so I get fresh air every day. And it's a good thing I enjoy walks since I spend a lot of time at the computer daydreaming and thinking up new stories. |
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